Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Invite us please!!

I am starting blogspot, but I still don't know how to use this yet. I want to have a list of other people's blogs on my blog page so I can click and go look at it. After 2 months long struggle, I still haven't figured that out. Can anyone teach me how to do that? Also, can you invite us to your blog if your blog is set private? Our email address is

Saturday, July 10, 2010

4th of July

We wanted to go on a little trip during the july 4th weekend. We were origianlly going to go Cape Cod, which is located here.

I heard that there are some cute light houses and fishing towns there, but we ended up chainging our route to the little island called "Martha's vineyard" below cape cod because of bad traffic.

It took us about 2 hours to get there.

I like the summer and the fall in Mass.. It is so green and blue everywhere and in the fall, they just turn to all different colors..

We first arrived this town called 'Woods hole'. We had to take a ferry to go to the Isalnd from here. There were lots of people and cars..

The parking situation must have been terrible that morning as you can see from this picture. About 1/3 of cars parked on the street had parking tickets. We saw up to 3 parking tickets on one car. Luckily, we slept in until 10 am and left our home at 2 pm that day, so we didn't have to deal with this craziness.

I made korean sushi and brought it with us.

On the ferry! I was busy running around taking pictures, but Jesse didn't get up until 10 minutes before we arrived because he was too worried if he left his seat, someone would sit there.

The view of the island from the ferry. I see a couple of beautiful Victorian style houses.

There were many unique looking houses on the Island. (too difficult to post all pictures:(
Is there an easy way to post them? Every time I post a picture, the picture is inserted on the top of my post, not in the context where I want to put)

While I am taking pictures, I saw this guy! (one entering the restaurant.) I don't know how many people have heard about him but he is the harvard professor who accused one policeman for being a racist after being arrested at his house. More details here if any of you is interested:

As soon as I saw him, I ran to Jesse and made him pose for the picture to pretend that we were taking a picture of Jesse but I was actually trying to take a picture of him.

Although we didn't stay there for a long time, it was a good short getaway from schools. I can't believe it is already end of july. well..almost.... My classes end this week and I have 2 finals next week, then I am saying good bye to school forever-- except for the fact that now I will have to go to work for one more year without getting paid . Jesse is finishing up his second block this week and his last block starts next week and goes on for 2 weeks. Then, he will have a 3 weekvacation. I am so excited for our break in August.

Monday, May 17, 2010

How does your internet speed compare?

So today Inhae's parents ordered an internet telephone for us to take to Boston. They got a pair of them, one for us and one for their home here in Korea. The calls between them are free, and any of Inhae's friends in Korea can call it and be charged as a local call. So as the guy was here installing it he put in a router with wireless internet. So I can finally use my laptop to surf the web. Just as a test I went to just to see what the speed was. Here is my screen shot. I would like to know how it compares. According to this article South Korea has fast internet--the fastest in the world. I didn't know it before, but using the internet at Inhae's parents house makes me realize that the internet in Korea is really really fast.

Later this afternoon, after we went shopping to get some necessities to take back to Boston, we met with one of Inhae's friends and her boyfriend. We had met them before when I came to Korea in January and this is the same friend who had translated for mom and Laramie. We went and hit some baseballs and then ate dinner at T.G.I. Fridays.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hi to the World!

Now that we are getting married.. We made our blog!
Oh well,, Jesse did..He sent me an email a week ago and the subject was

i made a new email account for us... a sign of commitment. haha

Haha.. I thought it was very cute.
However... Jesse has been refusing to write a post saying 'NoNo it is girls job!' I am not diligent with any kind of social network we will see how this blog goes but hopefully this will help us keep up with everyone!