Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hi to the World!

Now that we are getting married.. We made our blog!
Oh well,, Jesse did..He sent me an email a week ago and the subject was

i made a new email account for us... a sign of commitment. haha

Haha.. I thought it was very cute.
However... Jesse has been refusing to write a post saying 'NoNo it is girls job!' I am not diligent with any kind of social network we will see how this blog goes but hopefully this will help us keep up with everyone!


  1. Inhae, tell Jesse that Josh posts on our blog but just uses my sign in so it still says that I posted it!! Glad to see you have entered the blogging world

  2. I was excited to see ya'll had an english blog set up! I hope you'll keep up with it. Most of the Leavitts and Stones have blogs set up. I don't know about any Cardons or Smiths.
