Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Invite us please!!

I am starting blogspot, but I still don't know how to use this yet. I want to have a list of other people's blogs on my blog page so I can click and go look at it. After 2 months long struggle, I still haven't figured that out. Can anyone teach me how to do that? Also, can you invite us to your blog if your blog is set private? Our email address is


  1. Adding a blog roll is really easy. when you are logged in all you do is go to the dashboard (like you are doing a new post) there are 4 tabs at the top click on the one that says design. on the right hand side of the page click on "add a Gadget" next there will be list of things you can add, scroll down until you see "blog list" then all you have to do is type in the web address of the blogs. the private blogs will not show updates, but the non private ones will show when they are updated. We miss you guys.

  2. Leslie!! I finally did it! Now I know wher I should go to look at people's blogs!! haha, Angela ( Jesse's cousin Reed's wife)emailed me with the list of blog addresses. So I added all of them. Thank you Leslie! Jesse and I are sad that we can't make it to a family reunion but we will see you in december. Can't wait to go to Utah!!
